Friday, December 4, 2009

Life is not a video game.

I had my interview with University of MS Medical Center yesterday. Three interviewers, thirty minutes, three hundred things circling through my mind. Prayers from my love, my family, and my friends kept me calm throughout the interviews. I could not ask for a better network of friends. And I definitely could not ask for a better boyfriend.

I cheated the night before my interview, and read the Verse of the [next] Day. I know God has timing better than a metronome, but why am I still shocked when He is visible precisely when I need it?

Ps. 32:8 [nlt]
"The LORD says,
"I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.
I will advise you and watch over you."'

He knows where I need to be this year and the next in order to become the person He is making me. And nothing will get in the way of His plan. So, here comes trust, faith, love, rest, and peace. I'm glad I am not in control of my if it were a video game. God's hands are holding me and I have nothing to worry about.

1 comment:

Russ said...

Dear Carolita,

I think God makes the best plans. They always end up being so much better than our crazy, half thought out ones. I'm glad he's in control. I'm glad he can look that far ahead, because he knows we can't.

I'm excited about the next few years. Even though I don't know what's going to happen, I know they'll be good ones. I like that even though he has you in his hands, he lets me hold yours.

I [love] You