Wednesday, November 26, 2008

¿la vida?

i am nothing.
i know even less.
and this is just the beginning.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I want to be a star
They’re so beautiful
I wish I had the courage
To be exposed
Like a star.
When a star is sad
It shows
When a star is happy
The light glows
And when a star is utterly joyful
The beams radiate so strongly
That none can mistake
Such feelings.
Stars wear their hearts
On their sleeves
For all to see.
And they aren’t the least bit
Or fearful.
It doesn’t matter to a star
who sees the tell-tale light
of their true feelings.
Stars love
Without the least bit
I want to be a star
So that I can be vulnerable.
in love
Without fear.
And so that joy
Will exude
From every minute opening
Of my being.
No holding back.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Spring almost here. I see the daffodils as evidence and it makes me happy deep inside.